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Home About us Associated companiesAssociates Jobs

Your career.

Our future.

We want the building sector in green - with you at work!

We are ebutec – the network for green progress in the building sector!

We are looking for passionate and committed people who want to revolutionize the building sector together with us. As an association of independent companies from the construction and engineering sector, we have set ourselves a clear goal: the decarbonization and digitalization of the European building segment for a greener future. We are climate-craftsmen!

Our network includes a wide range of companies, all with the same ambition: to grow and drive green change. That’s why we’re looking for suitable personnel at various locations to join us in actively combating climate change.

Do you also want to contribute to a sustainable future and fight climate change? Then become an climate-craftsman at an ebutec partner company!

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With us you can make a lasting difference.

Work with sense

You don't want just any job, you want a job you can be proud of? A job that counteracts climate change and fills your workday with meaning? We want that too! Here you won't find just any job, but a meaningful career where your craft has a direct impact on climate protection.

Grow beyond yourself!

ebutec is growing steadily and so can you! At ebutec, you have the chance to grow continuously and realize your full potential. We support and promote your personal and professional development through targeted training measures and varied projects. No two days are the same! With us there is always room for new ideas and innovations.

Network without borders

The ebutec group is growing steadily and gaining more and more associate companies to contribute their expertise in building renovation! You too can benefit from this, exchange ideas with new colleagues and get to know different areas of the construction industry! Dive into a broad network of craftsmen, architects, engineers, energy consultants and other specialists. The exchange of knowledge and experience results in innovative solutions that go beyond conventional boundaries.

Innovative thinking

At ebutec, innovative approaches and creative thinking count. Together we explore the way to find the best and most energy efficient solutions for our customers, this requires a broad view beyond the horizon and the courage to change. We are pioneers in our industry and rely on state-of-the-art technologies and advanced methods. Here you have the opportunity to give free rein to your ideas and actively participate in shaping a sustainable future.

We are looking for you...

Our ambitious goals are our program: When clever minds, lateral entrants and tacklers come together, anything is possible. Find a job that suits you now and shape the future with us.

As an apprentice

At ebutec we always keep our eyes open for motivated young talents!

Some of our associate companies train directly with them and teach you everything you need to know about our trades and our range of solutions. With us, you will receive first-class training in the skilled trades and have the opportunity to become active in the areas of energy-efficient building renovation and climate protection.

As a career changer

With a joint partnership, our associated companies retain their operational independence and continue to run their business as before - entrepreneurs and founders continue to act freely, flexibly and entrepreneurially within our group.

Work with sense

Whether you are an engineer, craftsman or office worker in the construction industry: we are tackling climate change together. Be part of it!

Anlagenmechaniker SHK (m/w/d)
Halle (Westfalen) (Nordrhein-Westfalen)
Bauleiter / Obermonteur (m/w/d) mit 4-Tage-Woche
Bauleiter / Projektleiter
Riedstadt (Hessen)
Bauleitung im Bereich Dach- und Fassadensanierung
Papenburg (Niedersachsen)
Elektroniker für Energie- und Gebäudetechnik (m/w/d)
Halle (Westfalen) (Nordrhein-Westfalen)
Helfer im Bereich Lüftungstechnik
Konstruktionsmechaniker Kältetechnik im Bereich Anlagenbau
Kundendienstmonteur SHK (m/w/d)
Halle (Westfalen) (Nordrhein-Westfalen)
Mechatroniker für Kältetechnik
Mitarbeiter (m/w/d) Finanz- und Rechnungswesen - Holding
Dortmund (Nordrhein-Westfalen)
Mitarbeiter (m/w/d) Marketing und Kommunikation - Holding
Dortmund (Nordrhein-Westfalen)
Monteur im HLS-Bereich
Vlotho (Nordrhein-Westfalen)
Obermonteur im HLS-Bereich
Vlotho (Nordrhein-Westfalen)
Projektingenieur Lüftungstechnik
Riedstadt (Hessen)
Projektleiter HLS
Vlotho (Nordrhein-Westfalen)
Projektleitung im Bauwesen für perspektivischen Standortaufbau
Braunschweig und Wolfsburg und Bayreuth und Bamberg (Niedersachsen)
Servicemonteur (m/w/d) im Anlagenbau
Glinde (Schleswig-Holstein)
Servicemonteur für Dachwartung
Papenburg (Niedersachsen)
Servicemonteur für RWA & Lüftung
Papenburg (Niedersachsen)
Servicetechniker für Elektroinstallationen
Servicetechniker HLS
Vlotho (Nordrhein-Westfalen)
Technischer Zeichner
Riedstadt (Hessen)
Technischer Zeichner / Systemplaner für HLS-Projekte
Vlotho (Nordrhein-Westfalen)
Werkstudent Gebäudetechnik / Versorgungstechnik (m/w/d)
Vlotho (Nordrhein-Westfalen)
Talk to us
ebutec Group
c/o GÖRG Partnerschaft von Rechtsanwälten mbB
Ulmenstraße 30
60325 Frankfurt am Main.
Building sustainably together
You want to shape the future together and advocate for more sustainability in the building sector with us? Then become part of ebutec!